Tuesday 27 November 2012

MANmade Dance Project

The boy's only dance project has started and we will be keeping track of it over on the MANmade tab of the arts blog. We are in the process of loading some short clips of the boys in rehearsals and in their workshops so stay tuned!
In January 2013 our fantastic group will head over to South Hill Park Arts Centre in Bracknell to perform their innovative dance piece alongside other schools. If you want to be there to support them please click HERE for more information on tickets.

Twilight Christmas Market - FRIDAY!

THIS FRIDAY there is the Yateley School 'Twilight Christmas Market' in the Main Hall from 6pm-9pm. There will be sweets (yummy fudge, candy floss, cupcakes etc) and loads of stalls offering a variety of Christmas gifts. Entry is FREE so why not come along to have a wander about with your friends?

If you feel like lending a hand there are MANY little jobs to do and I can always use some help, even if it is just half an hour! If you think you can help please email me on lucy.carter@yateley.hants.sch.uk - I promise you will have fun and I will be very grateful!

Monday 19 November 2012

Puppet Craft Come To Yateley School!

On Saturday Puppet Craft came to Yateley School to perform their show 'Circle of Tales'.
The show was a big hit amongst the adults and children (and teachers!) who came along to see it. All the puppets are hand crafted in wood by the Artistic Director, John Roberts and the show is performed by just two puppeteers and one musician. One of the puppeteers, Libby, is an ex-student of Yateley School and greatly enjoyed coming back to the school to showcase the work she has been doing since she left us.

Puppet Craft are just one of many events and shows we are hoping to bring to the school so please keep your eyes peeled for poster and advertising for future event, it would be great to see you there!

If you have any ideas for events, performances or workshops you would like to see at Yateley School at weekends or in the evenings please contact us: artsblog@yateley.hants.sch.uk.