Wednesday 3 December 2014

Joss Arnott Workshop

Joss Arnott Dance Company visited the dance department recently to take our BTEC Dance students through a vigorous technique workshop and choreography session. These workshops are a valuable  insight into the type of career that could be pursued in dance as well as a fantastic opportunity to ask questions to a professional dancer.

Boys Dance Workshop - Part 2

If you read our arts blog on a regular basis you will certainly be familiar with the boys dance group. It all started here, when they started work with all-male dance group Fuzzy Logic. Since then the group has performed in local primary schools with a dance piece about commuting and twice at South Hill Park, with the last performance based on the theme of superheroes. 

The boys are now working along-side Dean Sodden (pictured below) from '4 Motion Dance Theatre' and are learning more physical, athletic moves with their partners. The ideas they gain from the workshop with Dean will go towards the choreography for their final piece, to be showcased in the New Year.