Monday 22 July 2013

Boys Dance Group (BDG)

This video was recorded just prior to the group touring the local Primary Schools with Sam from Fuzzy Logic - it showcases their new choreography being rehearsed in our dance studio. What do you think the piece is about?

Dancing in Shadows...

Here are some short examples of some of the lovely work that took place in Dance over Arts Week...

Environmentally Friendly Outdoor Classroom Designs

As mentioned in a previous blog post students from the University for the Creative Arts visited the Art Department during last weeks Arts week. They were working with classes to create exciting and environmentally friendly outdoor classrooms.

Here are some of the final models, what do you think?

The Royal Shakespear Company - Outside Performance

Over the last three years Yateley School has been working in partnership with The Royal Shakespeare Company to try and bring new and innovative ways of learning Shakespeare into the classroom. If you have been involved in any way then you will know how much fun it has been! Also involved in the project and performances have been our closest primary schools, including; Westfields Junior School, Charles Kinglseys Primary School, Newlands Primary School and Cranford Park Primary School. Their pupils have performed in two festivals, Merchant of Venice (2012) and Othello (2013). To see the much younger children interact with our own students and see them develop and learn has been fantastic!
On Friday, the joint performance of 'Othello' was a great success. Many family and friends gathered outside, on A block field, with picnics and chairs, and watched the final performance of the year.
A big congratulations should go to Mrs Hearn and Miss Crutchley who have worked so hard to make all the shows a success. Also to Matt Davis and his technical team who do so much to help behind the scenes.
If you are interested in getting involved in future projects such as this please let Mrs Hearn or Miss Crutchley know and/or look out for blog posts highlighting new opportunities!
Here are a few rehearsal pictures from last Friday's performance:

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Arts Week - Dance and Art

This week is Arts Week and there are lots of special things happening in every department around the school. In Dance they are exploring the use of shadows to interpret stories. The groups are using professional lighting and screens to allow the students to experiment. Many are taking inspiration from Britains Got Talent winners 'Attraction'. I saw some really fantastic stories being created and very well delivered and thought out choreography.

In Art students from the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham are holding workshops around the subject of Interior Architecture. The groups are designing buildings and building small scale models. The theme is 'Environment' so we have many creative ideas emerging... final pictures to follow!

Thursday 11 July 2013

Rock Challenge Auditions!

'BDG' (Boys Dance Group)

You may have read stories on here before about a group of our students taking part in a project called 'MANmade', a boys only dance project. The group performed at South Hill Park in partnership with all male group 'Fuzzy Logic'. 

Since then the group have been working with professional Fuzzy Logic dancer, Sam, towards a new piece of dance and also taking part in an exciting tour around local primary schools helping to teach younger students some amazing lifts and choreography! The boys have done so well and we are very proud of them. They will be going on to take part in many more things over the next school year so keep checking back here to stay up to date!

Here are some images from their recent activities in Cranford Park Primary School, Westfields Junior School and Charles Kingsleys Primary School:

We will shortly be adding some clips to the YouTube channel so stay tuned! They will be linked on a post first!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Audition Opportunity

Hi guys, I have been forwarded this poster advertising auditions for a Farnborough based pantomime. Please use the email on the poster for further information.